Benefit From the Acrimony – A Volatility Options Play

Ok, here we go for another round of Russian roulette in Congress, with the congressional budget talks at stake.

As MSNBC recently reported :

Without an agreement before October 1, a huge array of government services would cease—from processing veterans benefits to cleaning up toxic waste—and all but the most vital government personnel would stop coming to work.

With no clear path toward a compromise between Democrats and Republicans, the question isn’t whether we’re going to have a government shutdown, but how we’re going to manage to avoid one.

While the deadline for resolution of this impasse is looming - September 30 - prospects for a compromise solution are looking increasingly unlikely. Whether Congress allows the deadline to pass without a new budget - or politicians allow for a solution at the last minute, either way, I think we're in for a sharp rise in uncertainty. I expect this will be reflected in options prices for the VIX volatility index.

Take a look at the VIX's levels over last few years.

click to enlarge

The VIX is currently still trading at a level - that in my opinion is unnaturally low. I personally think the politicians will work something out in an 11th - hour solution, but not before their backs are put to the wall. So, just as in the past, I expect a short term jump in volatility.

There is a ceiling around the 26-27 level, which I do not think we will breach. If politicians cannot come to a compromise and increase the macroeconomic risks in the debt-default talks of December, that might be something likely to send volatility to sky high levels and test the next ceiling at 48.

On the low side, I do not think the VIX will go much below its current low around 13.50. For it to drop back down to the 2007 lows around 11 I think we would need a grand bargain among politicians concerning government spending, entitlements and the long term debt. Unfortunately, I do not see that anywhere on the horizon.

So while we are likely to see a roller coaster month for stocks, here's at least one way to benefit:

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The Trade

  • Sell 1 March 2014 30 call. Collect 0.90 cents x 100 shares or $90
  • Buy 2 October 2013 19 call. Cost 0.40 x 200 shares or $80
  • Net credit :$10 (minus any brokerage fees)
The Upside
What's the upside? Well, if volatility jumps to levels around 25 - altogether possible - and even likely, this option play could make about $1000. If it goes up just a bit, even at less than 19, the play still makes money, as you can see on the graph. What if it moves beyond that? Well, let's not get greedy...

click to enlarge
The Downside
What if an unexpected deal miraculously emerges that please everyone, and uncertainty drops? , because we've sold a calendar diagonal spread, and are credited $10 (0.10 x 100) we'll be in good shape. We get to keep that money. However, due to the small difference in bid-ask spreads in closing out our March position (about 10%) , a small loss of around $20-30 is still likely in this scenario.

click to enlarge
The Risk
The risk in this trade comes at expiration of the front month option. If you wait too long on this trade and let the October option and the VIX subsequently spikes up to levels above 30, your losses would mount by 100 x $1 for each 1 rise in the index.

Which is not a problem for us: we intend to exit this trade well before the October option expires on the 20th of October.
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