Technicals on the Wilshire Look Scary
I seriously doubt there are any buy-and-holders on this web site, but in case one of you landed here by accident, and, shell-shocked, is looking about himself or herself in complete bewilderment, this chart will give you something to ponder.
Of course those of us who are traders don't have to worry to much about the big picture. We react to the charts. We buy when they tell us to do so, and sell short when so ordered. For a take on some of the fundamental forces that would explain why such a cataclysmic event could happen, check out the following scenario painted by Harry S. Dent. For 20 years considered a perma-bull, after successfully predicting the last two long term bull markets, Mr Dent is now calling for a precipitous drop in all markets. In fact, he foresses a great depression. The MadHedgeFundTrader's blog explains Mr Dent's views nicely. Definitely worth the read.
Have a productive trading week.